Policies and Procedures

Classroom Discipline Plan


Effective discipline is a must for an effective learning environment.  The discipline plan I will implement allows your child to become responsible for his or her own behavior and affords them opportunities for both rewards and punishments.  Your child deserves the most positive educational climate possible for academic growth; therefore, this plan will be in effect at all times.



1. Show respect to all people.

2. Show respect to all property.

3. Talk at appropriate times and use appropriate voices.

4. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

5. Follow all school and county handbook rules.


Rewards for good behavior

A point tracking chart will be posted on the wall.  Each day a student breaks a rule, they will lose a point.  Students who keep the required number of points and have no missing assignments will periodically receive a reward.


Students will be rewarded in a variety of other ways such as praise, free play, class movies, treats, good grades, and extra recess.


Consequences when a rule is broken

1st  time: warning

2nd time: walk all recess

3rd  time: note home

4th  time: demerit

5th  office referral


Serve Disruption

A demerit is automatically given and the student may visit the principal's office at the teacher's discretion.


Communication Plan


Communication is a very important part of your child's educational success.  Please be aware of the communication routines and encourage your child to return any communications the next school day.  Not returning communications in timely manner will result in consequences.


Assignment Sheets- Assignment Sheets will be given out weekly to encourage organization.  To reinforce responsibility students are required to write assignments from a homework board.


Monday Folders- These folders are sent home every Monday and contain a progress report with information about your child's behavior as well as his/her weekly graded papers.


Mid-Nine Weeks Progress Reports- These progress reports will have your child's averages for all of his/her classes and will be sent home by the fifth Monday of each nine weeks.


Newsletters- Newsletters will be sent home periodically to keep you informed about what your child is learning and special events.